These wheels were introduced to us by a local carving teacher who uses them extensively in his classes as well as his own work and they have proven themselves to be a very versatile cutter. This wheel cuts in all directions and they are excellent for shaping, cutting lines and texturing as well as reaching into areas that are almost impossible with other cutters. The carbide coating has ben applied to all surfaces of the wheel for maximum versatility. 1/8" shank, 35,000 RPM maximum speed.
These wheels were introduced to us by a local carving teacher who uses them extensively in his classes as well as his own work and they have proven themselves to be a very versatile cutter. This wheel cuts in all directions and they are excellent for shaping, cutting lines and texturing as well as reaching into areas that are almost impossible with other cutters. The carbide coating has ben applied to all surfaces of the wheel for maximum versatility. 1/8" shank, 35,000 RPM maximum speed.